The glass slipper. The most iconic footwear image in modern literature. Why the fascination? What does Cinderella’s slipper represent that makes it so desirous and thought-provoking?
From a young age, girls are groomed to pine for a life rooted in the fairytale mystique. Cinderella, in her story, is lost and searching for her purpose beyond the daily drudgery of her servitude. Along comes a prince who happens to help her regain her lost slipper. Remember, he didn’t give her the slipper. She misplaced it in her journey looking for a different life experience. He simply recovered it and helped reconnect her to it. The slipper changes the trajectory of her life, and the story concludes in fairytale bliss.
Many believe that when you are on the right path in life, everything simply falls into place. Much like a well-loved pair of comfortable shoes, a life that fits you is smoother sailing. When you are lost or searching for purpose or feel that joy is elusive, life seems to pinch your feet like shoes that are ill-fitting and painful.
Most who know me well are privy to the fact that I have a fetish for shoes. When I slip on a pair of new shoes, there is a momentary thrill of possibility and adventure. Each pair evokes a different emotion: a sturdy pair of boots might make me feel mighty; supportive athletic shoes might make me feel healthy and vibrant; dainty heels might make me feel feminine and attractive; and a cozy pair of slippers might make me feel safe and relaxed.
To me, a pair of shoes tattered and worn are like loyal companions: dependable, comfortable, and full of memory. Well-loved shoes suggest that purpose has been fulfilled. My old shoes allow me to reminisce, I appreciate them, even if they are no longer wearable and must be retired or abandoned.
Our feet are like our foundation. Shoes protect our feet, metaphorically, they make the life journey possible. We are all moving toward some type of purpose. Some people have to experiment more than others to discover their true purpose, their true fit. They must try on many slippers and walk in many different shoes along their journey. Often, our purpose changes as life circumstances change, and we need to adjust accordingly.
A woman may purposefully set out on a career path. She may lead a successful organization, a profitable business, or a winning athletic team. She may take a fork in the road that leads her to marriage and parenthood. In time, she may need to rediscover her purpose as grown children move on with their lives. She may question her path as her current life begins to pinch her feet.
We can take comfort in the idea that as we age our physical bodies change, and this change can have an impact on purpose.
You might start with heels in your career then sneakers as a mom and hiking boots as an adventurer. You will walk many miles in many shoes as you change careers, change partners, and explore different paths and passions.
Some people get discouraged when the shoe doesn’t fit as expected. You may recall the stepsisters in the Cinderella fairytale who tried to cram their feet into the slippers unsuccessfully. In some versions of the tale, they actually cut off their own toes to make them fit!
The obvious lesson here is that you cannot force yourself into a life that does not fit without negative results, misdirection, and possibly injury. You cannot be someone you are not.
It’s important to recognize that you can have more than one pair of shoes—even if you can’t wear more than one pair at a time. It’s okay if you grow out of a shoe. It’s okay if you need to shop around for a new pair.
We all need a change of shoes depending on the landscape we hope to transverse along our journey. It’s about finding that right fit. Whatever role you slip into in life, your perfect slipper is waiting for you if you just put your foot forward to find it.